Le Grand Ricci (7 vols) by The Ricci Institute
This work contains 13,500 single characters and 300,000 Chinese expressions, spanning seven volumes and 9,000 pages. 2001.
This work contains 13,500 single characters and 300,000 Chinese expressions, spanning seven volumes and 9,000 pages. 2001.
The study includes approximately 2,000 characters present at the origin of Chinese writing – the “oracular” inscriptions found on tortoise shells and oxen shoulder blades (starting in 1500 B.C.) and the shapes engraved on bronze vessels (Zhou dynasty.) The study then presents the successive meanings of the characters in the Classical Books. The etymological analysis is based on a selection of works, starting with the Book of History (Shu Jing) and the Book of Odes (Shi Jing) and ending with the dictionary of the second century A.D., the Shuowen Jiezi. These are the ANCIENT USAGES.
For each of the 13,500 characters, the translations are richly annotated. The meanings range from the general to the specific; the French equivalents are precise and critical. They cover the development of the Chinese language across the centuries with their evolution and new usages up to the present.
The entries are subdivided according to the different possible pronunciations of the character.
This work contains 13,500 single characters and 300,000 Chinese expressions, spanning seven volumes and 9,000 pages. Covering some 200 branches of knowledge (astronomy, aeronautics, chemistry, biology, finance, law, philosophy, art, literature...), the Grand Ricci constitutes of a genuine encyclopedia of the language, history, customs, culture and thought of China from ancient times to the present day. Composed of two or several characters, the “words” are the fabric of the Chinese language. They are meticulously explained and are richly translated. While they extensively cover the modern Chinese language, they also include historical and technical aspects of Chinese knowledge and culture.
利氏漢法辭典 Le Grand Ricci
-- 最完備的外語辭典世界上第一部最大規模的漢法辭典 --
共七大冊,加上《索引補編》,約九千頁, 一萬三千五百個漢字及三十萬個詞組, 唯一收錄漢字古典用法、書寫方式與現代用法的辭典, 辭典尺寸27cm × 27cm
利氏學社 (Les Instituts Ricci)負責編纂《利氏漢法辭典》Le Grand Ricci,歷經了五十年辛苦的耕耘,在耶穌會士以及各方專家孜孜不倦的努力下,克服多重的困難,終於讓《利氏漢法辭典》在千禧年問世。這也是傳教士們對中西文化交流的推動,再次貢獻心力。這部大字典的規模,可說是史無先例。
辭典的編排依據漢字的發音規則採衛氏羅馬拼音(Wade romanization),或稱「國語羅馬字」,另附注音符號查閱。每一頁上緣的頁角,同時標示國際通用的漢語拼音系統。
《利氏漢法辭典》Le Grand Ricci涵蓋兩百個學門(天文、太空、化學、生物、金融、法律、哲學、藝術、文學等),共計九千頁,除了放進《利氏漢法大字典》原有的一萬三千五百個漢字以外,並收錄三十萬個詞組,可說是中國古代至今的語文、歷史、風俗習慣、文化的大型百科全書。詞組是中國語文的主要結構,由一個字或多個字組成。詞組的註解均條列分明,除了現代漢語的用法以外,還有古典、科技方面的用法也在其列。我們還特別就中國的世界觀、宇宙觀,特別是在天文、音樂、星象(五行、曆法等)方面多加關注。如此一來,辭典兼顧了語文的各個面向,並根據語言或文化的內涵,分門別類加以註釋。
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