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Vermander painting ink bendu art Renlai Monthly Chinese history sinology 人籟 Chinese lexicography
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Li Jinyuan and Benoît Vermander give witness through painting and words to what is, today, the encounter between China and the West. French and English text. 1996, 112 pages
Area of Research : Tibet Publisher : Les Indes Savantes Number of page : 192
Inventaire de 157 temples et monastères bouddhistes chinois, et de leurs richesses culturelles et spirituelles, élaboré à partir de sources chinoises.
This is a portfolio of high-quality reproductions of twelve Chinese paintings by Benoit Vermander. Each reproduction measures 28.5 x 28.5 cm.
A catalogue of Chinese paintings of an exhibition held at the Beijing National Art Gallery in October-November 1997 with the support of the Research Institute on Fine Arts and the Sichuanese Artists Association. 1996, 112 pages.
Spécificité emblématique du lavis. (Text in French and Chinese). Variétés Sinologiques No.94, 2004, 320 pages.
Ce qui se joue dans le dialogue entre hommes et femmes de traditions différentes est bien de l’ordre de la naissance et de la nuit. Ils reconnaissent comme à tâtons qu’ils vivent d’une réalité indivise, et doivent aussi admettre que la nuit brouille leurs chemins. 2003, 150 pages.
A la recherche de la stylistique cinématographique chinoise, Hou Hsiao-hsien et Zhang Yimou. Variétés sinologiques No.91, 2002, 124 pages.
This volume gathers the papers presented at a colloquim in Beijing (October - Nobvember 1997), organized by the Chinese Research Institute on Fine Arts and the Ricci Institute. It centers on artistic experience today in China and Europe. Besides the editors, contributors include Lin Mu, Yolaine Escande, Francois Marty, Philippe Charru amongst others....
A "graphic exegesis of the first chapter of the Book of Genesis in Chinese style. 1996, 32 pages.
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