Taipei Ricci Institute Store


Directory of the Jesuits in China from 1842 to 1955

Biographical notes of 1,570 Jesuits who worked in China between 1842 and 1955

Hardcover: 352 pages

Language: English; Chinese

ISBN: 978-957-29484-5-7

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US$30.00 TTC

Directory of the Jesuit in China from 1842 to 1955

by Olivier LARDINOIS SJ ‧ Fernando MATEOS SJ (✝) ‧ Edmund RYDEN SJ


Researchers in the history of Chinese Christianity during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries are familiar with the directory of the Jesuits in China from 1552 to 1800 compiled by Fr. Joseph Dehergne, SJ. The book was published in French in 1973 in the prestigious Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Societatis Jesu. However, until now no similar directory exists for the second great period of the mission of the Jesuits in China that can easily be situated between years 1842 and 1955: 1842 when the three first Jesuit missionaries arrived in China after the restoration of the Society of Jesus, and 1955 when foreign missionaries had already been expelled from mainland China by the communist government, and most of the outstanding native Jesuits were imprisoned.


The publication of the present directory of the Jesuits in China between 1845 and 1955, aims to remedy this omission. It is the result of collaboration between three Jesuits from the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus: Fernando Mateos (✝), Edmund Ryden and Olivier Lardinois. Beside the biographical notices of 1,570 Jesuits who worked in China between 1842 and 1955, this directory includes various annexes so that it can be more easily consulted and from different points of entry: an index of names in the forms of transliteration each used, another index according to international Pinyin and Chinese characters, Jesuit missions statistics, a chronology of the history of the mission and various mission areas, status in Church leadership (Bishops, Prefects Apostolic) and in academic and scientific work, a list of official and non-official Jesuit martyrs, a few maps and photos, and a selective bibliography.


ISBN: 978-957-29848-5-7  (Hardcover: 352 Pages)


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