Taipei Ricci Institute Store


Day Watcher (Veilleur de jour) by Li Jinyuan, Vermander, B.

Li Jinyuan and Benoît Vermander give witness through painting and words to what is, today, the encounter between China and the West. French and English text. 1996, 112 pages


US$30.00 含税


Veilleur de Jour

« Day Watcher »

Peintures de Li Jinyuan en Midi-Pyrénées

Textes et poèmes de Benoît Vermander


The work of art is created in silence. Silence, however, nourished by exchanges and encounters, by the discovery of others. Love or friendship : that is, giving and receiving ; the movement of an exchange which can never be interrupted. Exchange between one being and another. Exchange between one culture and another. LI Jinyuan and Benoît VERMANDER give witness through painting and words to what is, today, the encounter between China and the West. From South‑West France to South‑West China, the trials to, St. Jacques and the Silk Road meet and open the path of shared humanity. Within exchanged looks, mutual respect and fraternal searching, LI Jinyuan and Benoît VERMANDER take us with them as they contemplate a world claiming new beauty with each daybreak.

LI Jinyuan was born in 1945 in Chengdu, in the province of Sichuan. Since his childhood, he dreamed of becoming an artist, but first he worked for many years in an aeronautics factory. His determination and his great talent allowed him gradually established himself as an artist. Today he is a professor in the Art department of Sichuan Teaching Training University and has exhibited his work in many countries. From September 1995 to February 1996, the Regional Council of the Midi‑Pyrenees invited him to, stay in Toulouse, where his exhibition at the Jacobin Refectory bas left a deep impression.

Benoît VERMANDER, born in 1960, Jesuit, is Director of the Ricci Institute in Taipei, which specializes in the study of Chinese philosophy and spirituality. He bas published several essays in this area. As an artist himself, he continues to collaborate with LI Jinyuan as they exhibit their work together.






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