Taipei Ricci Institute Store



One year (11 issues) foreign subscription to Renlai Monthly for readers in Europe!


US$106.00 含税


This $90 purchase will give you Renlai Monthly delivered to your door every month for the  year (11 issues)! Shipping fee included. 
We record all magazine orders promptly, so as to make sure your magazines get shipped to you as soon as possible. Should you subscribe after the printer / mailing company gets the current issue list, you will be placed on the list for the next issue. Customers should expect to be entered into our subscription database and receive their first magazine within 45 days of payment.


This $106 purchase will give you Renlai Monthly delivered to your door every month for the  year (11 issues)! Shipping fee included

We record all magazine orders promptly, so as to make sure your magazines get shipped to you as soon as possible. Should you subscribe after the printer / mailing company gets the current issue list, you will be placed on the list for the next issue. Customers should expect to be entered into our subscription database and receive their first magazine within 45 days of payment.








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