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Chinese Christian Texts from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus (12 vols), edited by N. Standaert, A. Dudink

Chinese Christian Texts from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus (12 vols), edited by N. Standaert, A. Dudink

This collection of twelve volumes contains a selection of hitherto unpublished texts that belong to Japonica-Sinica section (Jap. Sin. I-IV) of the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus. (Texts in Chinese), 2002.

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US$350.00 tax incl.


This collection of twelve volumes contains a selection of hitherto unpublished texts that belong to Japonica-Sinica section (Jap. Sin. I-IV) of the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus. The entire section contains ca. 580 titles including duplicates, reprints and other editions. Most of these titles (ca. 520) are in Chinese. Except for some twenty titles, they all date back to the late Ming or early Qing. The first books were already sent to Rome in the early seventeenth century and gradually the library expanded. Albert Chan S.J. has compiled a catalogue with an often extensive description of all the texts. Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome : A Descriptive Catalogue (Japonica-Sinica I-IV), New York : M.E. Sharpe, 2002. A list of all the texts is also included in Ad Dudink’s article “The Japonica-Sinica collections I-IV in the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus: An Overview” in Monumenta Serica (2002), which article analyses the chronological layers of these collections and introduces the texts that are unique or rather rare. The present publication reproduces some 100 texts from these four collections. 2002.



1、天主實錄 (羅明堅)

2、聖經約錄 (利瑪竇等)

3、教要解略 (王豐肅)

4、天主教要 (無名氏)

5、天主聖教啟蒙 (羅儒望)

6、誦念珠規程 (羅儒望)

7、龐子遺詮 (龐迪我)

8、天主聖教約言 (蘇如漢)(蘇若望)

9、天主聖教四字經文 (艾儒略)

10、天主聖教入門問答 (施若翰)

11、聖教源流 (朱毓朴)

12、振心總牘 (費奇規)

13、默想規矩 (無名氏)

14、天主降生出像經解 (艾儒略)

15、天主降生言行紀略 (艾儒略)

16、滌罪正規 (艾儒略)

17、哀矜行詮 (羅雅谷)

18、聖教四規 (潘國光)

19、推定歷年瞻禮日法 (柏應理)

20、善終諸功規例 (伏若望)

21、臨喪出殯儀式 (早期抄本) (李安當)

21、臨喪出殯儀式 (近期抄本) (李安當)

22、喪葬儀式 (早期抄本) (李安當)

22、喪葬儀式 (近期抄本) (李安當)

23、天主教喪禮問答 (南懷仁)

24、善惡報略說 (南懷仁)

25、象數論 (無名氏)

26、性學觕述 (艾儒略)

27、畫答 (畢方濟)

28、睡答 (畢方濟)

29、聖夢歌 (艾儒略)

30、民曆鋪註解惑 (湯若望)

31、預推紀驗 (南懷仁)

32、口鐸日抄 (艾儒略)

33、聖水紀言 (孫學詩)

34、聖教規誡箴贊 (徐光啟)

35、天學證符 (張賡)

36、同善說 (無名氏)

37、闢邪論 (姜佑)

38、天主教原由 (無名氏)

39、蘿渡山房懸鐘集 (郭多默)

40、問答彙抄 (李九功)

41、易書 (無名氏)

42、禮俗明辨 (李九功)

43、摘出問答彙抄 (李九功)

44、證禮 議 (早期抄本)(近期抄本) (李九功)

45、慎思錄 (李九功)

46、醒迷篇 (無名氏)

47、闢妄條駁合刻 (徐光啟、張星曜、洪齊)

48、覺斯錄 (劉凝)

49、性說 (夏瑪第亞)

50、泡製闢妄闢 (夏瑪第亞)

51、贛州堂夏相公聖名瑪第亞回方老爺書 (夏瑪第亞)

52、生祠緣由冊 (夏瑪第亞)

53、生祠故事 (夏瑪第亞)

54、祭禮泡製 (夏瑪第亞)

55、禮記祭制撮言 (夏瑪第亞)

56、(禮儀問答) (夏瑪第亞)

57、中國各省寺廟錄 (無名氏)

58、閩中將樂縣丘先生致諸位神父書 (丘晟)

59、述聞篇 (丘晟)

60、辨祭參評 (李西滿)

61、祀典說 (張星曜)

62、(禮儀答問) (無名氏)

63、京都總會長王伯多祿等十八人致外省各堂會書 (王伯多祿等)

64、祭祖考 (嚴謨)

65、木主考 (嚴謨)

66、辨祭 (早期抄本)(近期抄本) (嚴謨)

67、草稿 (嚴謨)

68、辯祭後誌 (嚴謨)

69、致穆老師文兩首,附跋一首 (嚴謨)

70、草稿 (草稿抄白) (嚴謨)

71、李師條問 (嚴謨)

72、考擬 (嚴謨)

73、祭祀問答 (洪依納爵)

74、蒭言 (何某)

75、喪禮哀論 (無名氏)

76、家禮合教錄 (張象燦)

77、聖事禮典 (利類思)

78、斐祿彙答 (高一志)

79、本草補 (石鐸琭)

80、聖意納爵傳 (高一志)

81、聖方濟各沙勿略傳 (高一志)

82、大西利西泰子傳 (張維樞)

83、大西西泰利先生行蹟 (艾儒略)

84、西海艾先生行略 (李九功、沈從先、李嗣玄)

85、西海艾先生語錄 (李嗣玄、李九功)

86、遠西景明安先生行述 (利類思、南懷仁)

87、利先生行述 (南懷仁、閔明我、徐日昇)

88、奏疏 (利類思、安文思)


90、辭銜問答 (南懷仁)

91、edicts and memorials concerning Ferdinand Verbiest's death (from 熙朝定案)

92、廣東至北京路程表 (無名氏)

93、湖廣聖蹟 (無名氏)

94、聖母會規 (洪度貞)

95、天主耶穌苦難會規 會規總要 (洪度貞)

96、仁會會規 (無名氏)

97、聖方濟各會規 (無名氏)

98、聖母會規 (無名氏)

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